This module is the M2 graphical user interface (GUI) in Python under the Qt framework. This is to replace the original GUI in LabVIEW (ts_mtm2). The eups is used as the package manager.
The badges above navigate to the GitHub repository for the GUI code and Jira issues.
Configuring the M2 GUI¶
The M2 GUI configuration is here. The yaml file is used and read when the application runs. You can also use the setting table in GUI to update the values. See the user guide for the details.
User Documentation¶
Observatory operators and other interested parties should consult the user guide for insights into the M2 GUI operations.
Error Handling Documentation¶
The possible error of M2 and the related handling to recover the system are recorded here.
Development Documentation¶
Classes and their methods are described in this section.
Version History¶
The version history is at the following link.
The released version is releases.
To contribute, please start a new pull request on GitHub. Feature requests shall be filled in JIRA with the ts_m2gui or M2 label. In all cases, reaching out to the contacts for this is recommended.
Contact Personnel¶
For questions not covered in the documentation, emails should be addressed to the developer: Te-Wei Tsai <ttsai@lsst.org>. The product owner is Sandrine Thomas <sthomas@lsst.org>.
This page was last modified 2025-02-19.