Developer Guide¶
This GUI is constructed on the top of Qt framework (Qt for Python).
The state machine is listed below.
stateDiagram-v2 [*] --> Standby Standby --> Diagnostic : enter_diagnostic() Diagnostic --> Enable : enter_enable() Enable --> Diagnostic : exit_enable() Diagnostic --> Standby : exit_diagnostic() Standby --> Standby : fault() Diagnostic --> Diagnostic : fault() Enable --> Diagnostic : fault()
Figure 24 State diagram of local mode.¶
It is noted that when the fault happens, the Enable local mode will transition to the Diagnostic local mode. The other local modes keep the same.
The classes in module are listed below.
classDiagram namespace layout { class LayoutDefault } namespace controltab { class TabDefault class TabSettings } TabDefault <|-- TabSettings namespace m2com { class ControllerCell } namespace guitool { class ControlTabs class QMessageBoxAsync } MainWindow *-- Model MainWindow *-- ControlTabs MainWindow *-- TabSettings MainWindow "1" *-- "3" LayoutDefault MainWindow *-- SignalMessage MainWindow ..> LogWindowHandler MainWindow ..> QMessageBoxAsync Model *-- FaultManager Model *-- UtilityMonitor Model *-- SignalControl : emit() Model *-- SignalPowerSystem : emit() Model *-- SignalStatus : emit() Model *-- SignalConfig : emit() Model *-- SignalScript : emit() Model *-- SignalClosedLoopControlMode : emit() Model ..> Config Model *-- ControllerCell FaultManager *-- SignalError : emit() FaultManager *-- SignalLimitSwitch : emit() UtilityMonitor *-- SignalUtility : emit() UtilityMonitor *-- SignalDetailedForce : emit() UtilityMonitor *-- SignalPosition : emit() UtilityMonitor *-- ActuatorForceAxial UtilityMonitor *-- ActuatorForceTangent UtilityMonitor *-- ForceErrorTangent UtilityMonitor *-- SignalNetForceMoment : emit() LayoutDefault *-- Model LayoutDefault --> SignalControl : connect() LogWindowHandler *-- SignalMessage : emit() ControlTabs "1" *-- "12" TabDefault TabDefault *-- Model
Figure 25 Class diagram of M2 GUI¶
MainWindow is the main window of the application.
Model contains the main business logic in the application.
Config is a data class that has the configuration details in the M2 cell control system.
FaultManager records the system error.
UtilityMonitor monitors the utility status.
ActuatorForceAxial is a data class that has the axial force details contain the look-up table (LUT) information, force balance system, etc.
ActuatorForceTangent is a data class that has the tangent force details contain the look-up table (LUT) information, force balance system, etc.
ForceErrorTangent is a data class that is used to monitor the supporting force of mirror according to the tangential link force error.
LogWindowHandler handles the log window.
The model–view–controller (MVC) architecture is used in this module. In this design, the view always shows the data sent from the model. This helps to minimize the business logic in view and makes the tests easier. If you want to cache the data for a smooth showing in view, you need to do this in the Model. In accordance with the MVC architecture pattern, the controller reuses the existing module ts_m2com. This comes with the mock server, which can be used in simulation.
The Qt signal is used to do the data exchange.
The emit()
and connect()
in the class diagrams mean the class emits a specific signal and connects it to a specific callback function.
The controller is reused from the ts_m2com.
Most of signals are holded and emitted from the Model or its components to simplify the management of signals.
Only the SignalMessage is holded by the MainView.
The SignalMessage is unrelated to the Model, which is only used to show the logged message on the overview table.
Qt provides its event loop that is different from the event loop in Python asyncio library.
The qasync allows coroutines (async/await
keywords) to be used in PyQt/PySide applications by providing an implementation of the PEP-3156 event-loop.
For the other tasks in a loop to run, an awaitable must be called from another coroutine.
This allow for the coroutine to claim CPU and performs its operations.
Therefore await asyncio.sleep()
calls are placed in unit tests calls, so the signal handling etc. can occur.
The available Qt signals are listed below:
SignalControl sends the event that the control is updated or not.
SignalPowerSystem sends the event that the power system is updated or not.
SignalError sends the error code.
SignalLimitSwitch sends the event of limit switch status.
SignalMessage sends the message event.
SignalStatus sends the event of system status.
SignalConfig sends the configuration.
SignalUtility sends the utility status.
SignalDetailedForce sends the calculated and measured force details contains LUT, force balance system, etc.
SignalPosition sends the rigid body position.
SignalScript sends the status of script progress.
SignalIlcStatus sends the status of inner-loop controller (ILC).
SignalClosedLoopControlMode sends the update status of closed-loop control mode.
classDiagram LayoutDefault <|-- LayoutControl LayoutDefault <|-- LayoutControlMode LayoutDefault <|-- LayoutLocalMode
Figure 26 Class diagram of layout module¶
LayoutDefault is the default parent panel of other child classes in this module.
LayoutControl is the panel of control.
LayoutControlMode is the panel of control mode.
LayoutLocalMode is the panel of local mode.
classDiagram namespace guitool { class FigureConstant class Gauge } ViewMirror "1" *-- "n" ItemActuator ItemActuator ..> Gauge
Figure 27 Class diagram of display module¶
ViewMirror is the view on the mirror populated by actuators.
ItemActuator is the actuator item used in the ViewMirror class to show the actuator information.
classDiagram namespace guitool { class TabTemplate } TabTemplate <|-- TabDefault TabDefault <|-- TabActuatorControl TabDefault <|-- TabAlarmWarn TabDefault <|-- TabCellStatus TabDefault <|-- TabConfigView TabDefault <|-- TabDetailedForce TabDefault <|-- TabDiagnostics TabDefault <|-- TabOverview TabDefault <|-- TabRigidBodyPos TabDefault <|-- TabUtilityView TabDefault <|-- TabSettings TabDefault <|-- TabIlcStatus TabDefault <|-- TabNetForceMoment TabDefault <|-- TabRealtimeNetForceMoment TabDefault <|-- TabLimitSwitchStatus TabDefault <|-- TabHardpointSelection
Figure 28 Class diagram of controltab module¶
TabDefault is the default parent table of other child classes in this module.
TabActuatorControl controls the actuator.
TabAlarmWarn shows the alarms and warnings.
TabCellStatus shows the cell status.
TabConfigView shows the configuration in the M2 cell control system.
TabDetailedForce shows the detailed force data.
TabDiagnostics shows the diagnostics information.
TabOverview shows the overview of system status.
TabRigidBodyPos controls the rigid body position.
TabUtilityView shows the utility status.
TabSettings shows the settings of GUI.
TabIlcStatus shows the inner-loop controller (ILC) status.
TabNetForceMoment shows the net force and moment of total actuators and force balance system status.
TabRealtimeNetForceMoment shows the realtime data of net force and moment of total actuators and force balance system status.
TabLimitSwitchStatus shows the limit switch status.
TabHardpointSelection can select the hardpoints.
The class diagrams for each table child class are listed below to give you the idea of class relationship.
classDiagram namespace m2gui { class Model class UtilityMonitor class SignalScript class SignalDetailedForce class ActuatorForceAxial class ActuatorForceTangent } Model *-- UtilityMonitor Model *-- SignalScript : emit() UtilityMonitor *-- SignalDetailedForce : emit() UtilityMonitor *-- ActuatorForceAxial UtilityMonitor *-- ActuatorForceTangent namespace guitool { class QFileDialogAsync } TabDefault *-- Model TabDefault <|-- TabActuatorControl TabActuatorControl --> SignalScript : connect() TabActuatorControl --> SignalDetailedForce : connect() TabActuatorControl ..> ActuatorForceAxial TabActuatorControl ..> ActuatorForceTangent TabActuatorControl ..> QFileDialogAsync
Figure 29 Class diagram of TabActuatorControl class¶
classDiagram namespace m2gui { class Model class FaultManager class SignalError class SignalLimitSwitch } Model *-- FaultManager FaultManager *-- SignalError : emit() FaultManager *-- SignalLimitSwitch : emit() TabDefault *-- Model TabDefault <|-- TabAlarmWarn TabDefault <|-- TabLimitSwitchStatus TabAlarmWarn *-- TabLimitSwitchStatus TabAlarmWarn --> SignalError : connect() TabLimitSwitchStatus--> SignalLimitSwitch : connect()
Figure 30 Class diagram of TabAlarmWarn class¶
classDiagram namespace m2gui { class Model class UtilityMonitor class SignalDetailedForce class ActuatorForceAxial class ActuatorForceTangent } Model *-- UtilityMonitor UtilityMonitor *-- SignalDetailedForce : emit() UtilityMonitor *-- ActuatorForceAxial UtilityMonitor *-- ActuatorForceTangent namespace guitool { class FigureConstant class Gauge } namespace display { class ViewMirror class ItemActuator } ViewMirror "1" *-- "n" ItemActuator ItemActuator ..> Gauge TabDefault *-- Model TabDefault <|-- TabCellStatus TabCellStatus *-- ViewMirror TabCellStatus "1" *-- "3" FigureConstant TabCellStatus ..> Gauge TabCellStatus ..> ItemActuator TabCellStatus --> SignalDetailedForce : connect() TabCellStatus *-- ActuatorForceAxial TabCellStatus *-- ActuatorForceTangent
Figure 31 Class diagram of TabCellStatus class¶
classDiagram namespace m2gui { class Model class SignalConfig class Config } Model *-- SignalConfig : emit() Model ..> Config TabDefault *-- Model TabDefault <|-- TabConfigView TabConfigView --> SignalConfig : connect() TabConfigView ..> Config
Figure 32 Class diagram of TabConfigView class¶
classDiagram namespace m2gui { class Model class UtilityMonitor class SignalDetailedForce class ActuatorForceAxial class ActuatorForceTangent } Model *-- UtilityMonitor UtilityMonitor *-- SignalDetailedForce : emit() UtilityMonitor *-- ActuatorForceAxial UtilityMonitor *-- ActuatorForceTangent TabDefault *-- Model TabDefault <|-- TabDetailedForce TabDetailedForce --> SignalDetailedForce : connect() TabDetailedForce *-- ActuatorForceAxial TabDetailedForce *-- ActuatorForceTangent
Figure 33 Class diagram of TabDetailedForce class¶
classDiagram namespace m2gui { class Model class UtilityMonitor class SignalClosedLoopControlMode class SignalUtility class SignalDetailedForce } Model *-- UtilityMonitor Model *-- SignalClosedLoopControlMode : emit() UtilityMonitor *-- SignalUtility : emit() UtilityMonitor *-- SignalDetailedForce : emit() namespace guitool { class QMessageBoxAsync } TabDefault *-- Model TabDefault <|-- TabDiagnostics TabDiagnostics --> SignalClosedLoopControlMode : connect() TabDiagnostics --> SignalUtility : connect() TabDiagnostics --> SignalDetailedForce : connect() TabDiagnostics ..> QMessageBoxAsync
Figure 34 Class diagram of TabDiagnostics class¶
classDiagram namespace m2gui { class Model class SignalMessage class SignalControl class SignalStatus class SignalClosedLoopControlMode } Model *-- SignalControl : emit() Model *-- SignalStatus : emit() Model *-- SignalClosedLoopControlMode : emit() TabDefault *-- Model TabDefault <|-- TabOverview TabOverview --> SignalMessage : connect() TabOverview --> SignalControl : connect() TabOverview --> SignalStatus : connect() TabOverview --> SignalClosedLoopControlMode : connect()
Figure 35 Class diagram of TabOverview class¶
classDiagram namespace m2gui { class Model class UtilityMonitor class SignalPosition } Model *-- UtilityMonitor UtilityMonitor *-- SignalPosition : emit() TabDefault *-- Model TabDefault <|-- TabRigidBodyPos TabRigidBodyPos --> SignalPosition : connect()
Figure 36 Class diagram of TabRigidBodyPos class¶
classDiagram namespace m2gui { class Model class UtilityMonitor class SignalPowerSystem class SignalUtility } Model *-- SignalPowerSystem : emit() Model *-- UtilityMonitor UtilityMonitor *-- SignalUtility : emit() TabDefault *-- Model TabDefault <|-- TabUtilityView TabUtilityView --> SignalPowerSystem : connect() TabUtilityView --> SignalUtility : connect()
Figure 37 Class diagram of TabUtilityView class¶
classDiagram namespace m2gui { class Model class SignalConfig } Model *-- SignalConfig : emit() TabDefault *-- Model TabDefault <|-- TabSettings TabSettings --> SignalConfig : connect()
Figure 38 Class diagram of TabSettings class¶
classDiagram namespace m2gui { class Model class SignalIlcStatus } Model *-- SignalIlcStatus : emit() TabDefault *-- Model TabDefault <|-- TabIlcStatus TabIlcStatus --> SignalIlcStatus : connect()
Figure 39 Class diagram of TabIlcStatus class¶
classDiagram namespace m2gui { class Model class UtilityMonitor class SignalNetForceMoment } Model *-- UtilityMonitor UtilityMonitor *-- SignalNetForceMoment : emit() namespace display { class FigureConstant } TabDefault *-- Model TabDefault <|-- TabNetForceMoment TabDefault <|-- TabRealtimeNetForceMoment TabNetForceMoment "1" *-- "2" TabRealtimeNetForceMoment TabNetForceMoment --> SignalNetForceMoment : connect() TabRealtimeNetForceMoment "1" *-- "6" FigureConstant
Figure 40 Class diagram of TabNetForceMoment class¶
classDiagram namespace m2gui { class Model class UtilityMonitor class SignalDetailedForce } Model *-- UtilityMonitor UtilityMonitor *-- SignalDetailedForce : emit() TabDefault *-- Model TabDefault <|-- TabHardpointSelection TabHardpointSelection --> SignalDetailedForce : connect()
Figure 41 Class diagram of TabHardpointSelection class¶
This section is autogenerated from docstrings.
lsst.ts.m2gui Package¶
Get the number of actuators on the specific ring. |
Map the actuator ID to the alias. |
Read the inner-loop controller (ILC) status from the log file. |
Run the application. |
Summarize the lost communication of inner-loop controller (ILC). |
Axial actuator force class to have the force details contain the look-up table (LUT) information. |
Tangent actuator force class to have the force details contain the look-up table (LUT) information. |
Select the actuator group data to show on the cell map. |
Configuration class to have the configuration details. |
Direction of the displacement sensors. |
Fault manager to record the system error. |
Select the actuator data to show on the figures. |
Tangential link force error class to monitor the supporting force of mirror. |
Operation mode of the engineering user interface (EUI). |
Log window handler. |
Main window of the application. |
Model class of the application. |
Ring of the actuators. |
Closed-loop control mode signal to send the update status of current control mode. |
Configuration signal to send the configuration. |
Control signal to send the event that the control is updated or not. |
Detailed force signal to send the calculated and measured force details contains the look-up table (LUT). |
Error signal to send the error code. |
Script signal to send the status of inner-loop controller (ILC). |
Status signal to send the event of limit switch status. |
Message signal to send the message event. |
Net force/moment signal to send the net force and moment of total actuators, and force balance status. |
Position signal to send the rigid body position. |
Power system signal to send the event that the power system is updated or not. |
Script signal to send the status of script progress. |
Status signal to send the event of system status. |
Utility signal to send the utility status. |
General status. |
Group of the temperature sensors. |
Utility monitor to monitor the utility status. |